Capitol Hill Registration Is Now Open


Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run & 5K Walk/Run

CHC Team Captains

Capitol Hill Competition Team Captain Responsibilities

Team competition will only take place in the 10 Mile. Team registration for the 2025 Capitol Hill Competition 10 Mile will open on January 31, 2025 and close on February 28, 2025.

As team captain, you are responsible for the following activities:

  • Creating your team and paying the $20 team registration fee through the online team setup process.
  • Reading, understanding, and observing the team composition and competition rules.
  • Ensuring that the team membership and team data (e.g. team name, category, etc.) is correct prior to raceday.  Team Captains can delete members from the team from their own Race Roster dashboard, but they cannot add new team members; any new members must go to their own individual 10 Mile registration in their Race Roster dashboard and click on the “Join Team” button (see screenshot), then select the team from the dropdown
  • Generally assuring that your team is properly assembled and wearing their correct runner numbers on raceday.

All team changes must be completed prior to raceday (i.e., not later than Saturday at the packet pickup and expo.) If scoring errors occur because your team information has not been properly updated, your team may be disqualified.