Registration Transfer Has Opened


Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run & 5K Walk/Run

You Made It!

After the Race


Gatorade Endurance Formula and water and granola bars and bananas will be available at Freedom Plaza for the 5K. For the 10 Mile, Gatorade Endurance Formula and water will be available on 15th Street immediately after the finish line and on the infield. Granola bars and bananas will be provided in the infield only. These items are for the runners only; please limit yourself to one of each.

Family Reunion Area

For the 10 Mile, there will be a family reunion area adjacent to the awards stage with signs with letter ranges to facilitate reunions. Lost children will be taken to the Medical tent where a dedicated volunteer will supervise them until their family is located – National Park Police will assist.


If you pre-ordered a finisher’s medal, you will be able to pick it up at the Medal Distribution area at Freedom Plaza for the 5K and located on the infield of the Washington Monument Grounds after the 10 Mile. If you ordered an enhanced medal customized with your finishing time and place, you will pick-up your medal on race day, and you will be mailed a medal strip containing personal time and place overall and in your age group by June 30. This strip can be adhered to the back of your medal. If you pre-ordered a medal but failed to pick it up after the race, you can have it shipped to you; shipping information will be posted here after the race. If you did not pre-order a medal and we have additional medals for sale after the race, we will post information about ordering them in our webstore.

PRRO Championships

The first place local man and woman will win trips to the 2025 PRRO Championships, scheduled for July 13, 2025, at the Boilermaker 15K. Local is defined as a person domiciled for at least the past two months in Washington, D.C.; Montgomery, Prince George’s or Howard counties in Maryland; Arlington, Fairfax, Prince William or Loudoun counties in Virginia; and Alexandria or Fairfax cities in Virginia.


Unofficial results will be available on the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Race App right after each race and on the race website not later than 8:00 pm each race day evening. RunPix Results Display interactive results will be available on the website on Monday morning for the 10 Mile. If you feel there is an error in the results for either race, you will find a form on the website that you can submit to the registrar. We will look into the matter and adjust the results if we find it is necessary. Any requests to review the results must be received before April 21. Results will be considered final after this date.

A link to the downloadable electronic publication containing complete race results, race stories, photos, and stats from this year’s race will be emailed to all finishers as soon as it becomes available. It will contain every finisher’s name, hometown, time and age-graded quotient which allows you to compare your performance with other runners of your age and gender. All-time searchable results of all finishers in the 10 mile since 1973 and in the 5K since 2006 (the first year the 5K was scored) are available on the website. 2025 results will be uploaded to this database by July 1.

T-Shirt Mailing

If you are registered but do not pick up your T-shirt or Asics upgrade shirt, you may have it mailed to you after race day for $15, plus a $2 service fee. Sizes will be limited to whatever stock is left after race day. Shipping details will be posted here after the race. Left-over shirts will be sold to runners on the race webstore. There are no refunds for unclaimed shirts.

National Cherry Blossom Festival

The Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run is part of Washington, DC’s National Cherry Blossom Festival® ( The National Cherry Blossom Festival is the nation’s greatest springtime celebration. The 2025 Festival, March 20 – April 13, includes three spectacular weekends and two weeks of events featuring diverse and creative programming promoting traditional and contemporary arts and culture, natural beauty, and community spirit. The Festival commemorates the 1912 gift of 3,000 cherry blossom trees and the enduring friendship between the United States and Japan. 877.44.BLOOM. Twitter: @CherryBlossFest. Facebook:

Saying “Thank You” or Expressing Any Concerns

Send your post-race praises, comments or suggestions to Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile, 4963 Elm St., Suite 106, Bethesda, MD 20814 or by email to Another way to thank our sponsors is to use their products and services. As you leave, thank a volunteer and a uniformed U.S. Park Police officer, and dispose of your trash in an appropriate container.