Registration Transfer Has Opened


Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run & 5K Walk/Run


Entry Transfer Procedures

VERY IMPORTANT: NO MONEY SHOULD BE EXCHANGED BY ANYONE IN THE TRANSFER PROCESS. Once someone initiates a transfer through Race Roster, you will get an email from Race Roster asking you to complete your registration, and they will get a refund from us at Credit Union Cherry Blossom. All valid transfer emails will come from the email address Any other email request is a scam, and anyone who asks you for money to transfer their registration to you is a scam.

The Entry Transfer Process Opens on January 31, 2025 and Will Close at 11:59 PM on February 26, 2025 (although any transfer that is initiated by February 26 has until 5:00 p.m. (EST) on February 28 to be completed).

The Credit Union Cherry Blossom allows accepted runners who cannot participate in either the 10 Mile, 5K or Double Blossom to transfer their entry (and get a refund of all registration fees and products purchased except donations and service fees) to runners who did not get accepted into the same event. No transfers will be allowed after the close of the transfer period, and there are no refunds other than through this Transfer Process.

Note: The field for the 5K is full, so registration for that race has now closed. Those who have secured a 5K entry and those who want to obtain a 5K entry can now use this transfer process as well.

First, some definitions:

    • Entry Transferor: A registered individual seeking to transfer his or her entry. Scroll down for the ENTRY TRANSFEROR PROCESS
    • Entry Transferee: An individual receiving a transferred entry. Scroll down for the TRANSFEREE PROCESS
    • Who Can Transfer: Transfers from entrants in the 10 Mile must go to prospective entrants in the 10 Mile, transfers from 5K entrants must go to prospective 5K entrants, and transfers from Double Blossom entrants (both races) must go to prospective Double Blossom entrants.
    • A Special Note About Double Blossom Transfers: Double Blossom entries must be conveyed as entries into both races; transferors may not transfer the 10 Mile and 5K race entries individually. Of course, the transferee of a Double Blossom entry may choose to participate in only one of the two races, but they must still pay the Double Blossom entry fee regardless of which races they choose to run.
    • Fee: There is a $20 transfer fee, payable by the transferee at the time of their registration, for each transfer.

NEW THIS YEAR: The Transferor will receive a full refund for his or her registration and any ancillary items ordered at the time of the original registration (upgrade shirt, medal, etc.) once the Transferee has completed the transfer. Note that Donations made during the initial registration and service fees are NOT refundable. The Transferee will fill out an entirely new registration form for the race that he or she is getting from the Transferor, and at that time he or she may elect to add on ancillary items like upgrade shirts, medals, photo packages, etc. The transferee will pay for the new registration, a $20 transfer fee, and for any ancillary items that they purchase through the registration process (plus service fees). NO MONEY WILL CHANGE HANDS BETWEEN TRANSFEROR AND TRANSFEREE. THE TRANSFEROR IS NOT PERMITTED TO CHARGE ANY PREMIUM FOR MAKING THE TRANSFER.

FOR ENTRY TRANSFERORS (individuals giving up their entries)

If you already know to whom you wish to transfer your entry, just follow these steps:


  1. Go here and select “Transfer to a new participant”.
  2. Enter the email address of the person you would like to transfer your registration to.
  3. Instructions on accepting the transfer will then be sent to this email address.
  4. The new participant will then follow the instructions sent to their email.
  5. Once the new participant has finished their registration, you will be refunded your original payment (less any donations made and service fees paid).

If you do not know to whom you wish to transfer your entry: 

Go to the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Facebook Transfer page and look through the posts to see if anyone is looking for a registration for the event you are registered for, or if you don’t find such a post, create one offering your registration. Communicate with the person you select to receive your registration that you are willing to make a transfer, then get their email address. Once you have their email address, follow the 5 steps above to initiate the transfer.

2. Payment: Once you initiate the transfer and the transferee completes their registration, you will be refunded your entire entry fee and any other payments made (other than donations and service fees). Race rules prohibit charging the transferee a fee to transfer your registration Violators of this policy will be banned from the race for two years.

FOR ENTRY TRANSFEREES (individuals receiving entries)


If you already have an entry transferor who has agreed to transfer his or her entry to you:

  1. Give that person your email address and ask them to initiate the transfer process as described under Transferor above.
  2. An email will be sent to you from our online registration company Race Roster letting you know the transfer has been initiated and containing a Complete Transfer link. All valid transfer emails will come from the email address “”. Do not accept a transfer from any other email address.
  3. Click the Complete Transfer link in that email, and follow the instructions for the Registration form.
  4. Fill out the Registration form. If you wish, you will be able to order an upgrade t-shirt, medal, photo package and other add-ons during the registration process.

If you do not already have an entry transferor who has agreed to transfer his or her entry to you: 

  1. Go to the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Facebook Transfer page and look through the posts to see if anyone is offering a registration for the event you are interested in participating in (10 Mile, 5K or Double Blossom). If you don’t see any posts offering a registration for the event you want, make your own post saying you are searching for a registration.
  2. If you see someone offering the event that you want, reply to their post letting them know that you would like their registration. (In your post, make your case about why you would like to run the Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile, 5K or Double Blossom. Be creative and make your story stand out from the rest.)
  3. If someone responds favorably, give them your email address so they can initiate the transfer process.
  4. You will receive an email from our online registration company Race Roster letting you know the transfer has been initiated and containing a Complete Transfer link. All valid transfer emails will come from the email address “”. Do not accept a transfer from any other email address.
  5. Click the Complete Transfer link in that email, and follow the instructions for the Registration form.
  6. Fill out the Registration form. If you wish, you will be able to order an upgrade t-shirt, medal, photo package and other add-ons during the registration process.

Important: We will not tolerate anyone using the Facebook Transfer page to harass others. If we see anyone badgering people for registrations on Facebook or otherwise abusing the system, or if anyone experiences such abuse and reports it to us at, the person engaging in the inappropriate conduct will be banned from the race.

VERY IMPORTANT: NO $ SHOULD BE EXCHANGED BY ANYONE IN THE TRANSFER PROCESS. Once someone initiates a transfer through Race Roster, you will get an email from Race Roster asking you to complete your registration, and they will get a refund from us at Credit Union Cherry Blossom. All valid transfer emails will come from the email address Any other email request is a scam, and anyone who asks you for money to transfer their registration to you is a scam.