Registration Transfer Has Opened


Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run & 5K Walk/Run

Kids Run

Credit Union Cherry Blossom Kids Run presented by REI Co-op

Kids Run Families:

We have mailed out the packets of all kids who did not pick theirs up at the Expo on March 31 or at the Race site on April 1! Keep an eye out for yours. For those who already picked up, you will receive a medal if you didn’t get one yet, and a special discount coupon from REI Co-op.

Send Us Pictures of Your Kids Showing Off Their Swag!

Once you receive your items, we encourage everyone to get active wearing their t-shirts and bib numbers and earning their medals. This can be done by running a half mile as you were going to do on April 1, or by any other type of physical activity. Have a parent or friend take a photo of you during or after your activity modeling your t-shirt and medal, and then upload it below:

Check Out Our Credit Union Cherry Blossom Kids Run Experience Photo Album!

Click Here for the Kids Run Experience Photo Album!

Kids Run 2024

9:30 A.M. 
(REI pre-run activities begin at 8:00 A.M.)

National Building Museum, 401 F St., NW
Washington, DC


Registration for the 2024 Kids Run Will Open in Mid-January.


The Credit Union Cherry Blossom 1/2 Mile Kids Run will start and finish at the National Building Museum (the site of the Expo and Packet Pickup at 401 F St. NW, Washington, DC 20001).

REI pre-run activities begin at 8:00 A.M. The first wave of four-year-olds will go off at 9:30 A.M. The race is on an out-and-back course and is closely monitored by sentries. Parents are allowed to run with their children. Bring the kids to run, then go pick up your packet and visit all of the exhibitors at the Expo!

Limited to the first 500 to register.


Online registration will open in mid-January.

Ages: The Kids Run is for children ages 4-10.

Race Start Time: 9:30 AM. on Saturday, April 6, 2024

Fee: $10. Includes t-shirt.

Packet Pick-up: Packet pick-up for registered Kids Run participants will take place on Friday, April 5 inside the National Building Museum between 3:00 P.M. and 7:45 P.M., and on Saturday,  April 6, between 8:00 A.M. and 9:15 A.M. in the registration tent outside the National Building Museum near the intersection of 5th St. and F St.

Registration: Registration is limited to the first 500 who enter.

Awards: No times or places will be kept, but all finishers will receive a medal.

Kids Run Information:

  • For security reasons as required by Metropolitan DC Police, every parent or guardian of a Kids Run entrant will need to locate and remove a detachable wrist band on the top of each child’s bib number (each bib number will include two wrist bands so two parents or guardians can have them). The wrist band will be imprinted with the same number as each child’s bib number. The responsible adult(s) will detach and wear the wrist band around their wrist. After the run, kids will be released from the secure Parent-Child Reunion Area only to adults with a wrist band matching the child’s bib number.
  • Every child on the race course must be registered and wear a bib number. Parents may choose to run with their child, but at least one parent must be wearing a wristband matching the bib number of their child.
  • Accompanying adults may need to wear multiple wristbands as necessary for multiple child participants.
  • Individual participants will run by age group, starting with 4-year olds and continuing by 1-year increments up to 10 years of age. It is likely there will be multiple heats in each age group, especially among the younger ages.
  • Within each age group, heats will consist of approximately 25 participants.  Each heat will take about 8 to 10 minutes. The four-year-olds will run first, followed by the five-year-olds and on up in ascending order.
  • Each age group will be called into the secure pre-race staging area by the announcer. From the secure pre-race staging area, children will be organized into heats and moved on to the Kids’ Run course.
  • Participants will finish and be directed to a secure post-race reunion area (adjacent to, but separate from, the pre-race secure area). Children will only be released to the appropriate responsible adult wearing the wristband that matches the child’s bib number. NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE. Any children not matched with an adult in the secure parent-child reunion area will be referred to on-site security personnel.