Registration Transfer Has Opened


Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run & 5K Walk/Run

Pace Groups

Pace Groups

Have a specific time goal for the race? Or do you just want to run a set pace per mile? If so, joining one of our official Pace Groups may be the answer. Our pacers are experienced distance runners who will see to it that they run a set per-mile pace to help you achieve your goal. Joining a Pace Group is open to all runners and is free! Just look for the pace group signs in your corral. The pacer holding the sign will run the entire race carrying the pace-per-mile sign and will aim to get your group to the finish line at the assigned pace.

What are the Pace Groups?

Each pace group is led by an individual who is a fit, trained and experienced distance runner who is familiar with the Credit Union Cherry Blossom course. By joining a Pace Group, you will benefit from these experienced pace setters and enjoy the camaraderie of running with people who have the same goal time as you. Our team of experienced pacers will help you achieve your goal!

What paces will the Pace Groups be running?

The chart below shows the pace groups that will be provided for the 5K and what the goal finish time is for that pace group. 


Pace Per Mile Finish Time
(min) (hours/min)
7:00 21min 42sec
7:30 23min 15sec
8:00 24min 48sec
8:30 26min 21sec
9:00 27min 54sec
9:30 29min 27sec
10:00 31min 00sec
10:30 32min 33sec
11:00 34min 06sec

10 Mile

The chart below shows in which corral the Pace Group Leader for a particular pace will be for the 10 Mile. You must go to the corral assigned to your bib number to start the race.

Pace Per Mile Finish Time Corral Color
(min) (hours/min)  
7:00 1hr 10min Yellow
7:30 1hr 15min Yellow
8:00 1hr 20min Red
8:30 1hr 25min Red
9:00 1hr 30min Red*
9:00 1hr 30min Blue*
9:30 1hr 35min Blue*
9:30 1hr 35min Orange*
10:00 1hr 40min Orange*
10:00 1hr 40min Green*
10:30 1hr 45min Green
11:00 1hr 50min Purple
11:30 1hr 55min Purple
12:00 2 hours Purple
12:30 2 hr 5min Purple
13:00 2 hr 10min Purple

* Because in some cases runners who entered the race with similar finishing times may be assigned to different corrals, there may be two leaders in different corrals with the same pace-per-mile sign, since we want everyone to be able to run their goal pace regardless of which corral they are in. So for example if your goal is to run 9:30 pace and you are in the Blue corral, you should go to the Blue corral and find the Pace Group leader holding the 9:30 pace sign. But if you want to run 9:30 pace and you are in the Orange corral, do not go to the Blue corral; there will be a 9:30 sign in the Orange corral as well. Similarly, there will be two 9:00 pace leaders, one in the Red corral and one in the Blue corral; and two 10:00 pace leaders, one in the Orange corral and one in the Green corral.

Where do I meet up with my Pace Group Leader on race morning?

All Pace Group Leaders will be carrying signs corresponding to their designated set pace time. Plan on getting to your corral by 7:00 A.M. in order to allow time to find your Pace Group Leader. Feel free to introduce yourself and let them know about your race goal. Consult the chart above to see in which corral you will find your Pace Group Leader!

Are we going to start on pace?

More or less. A lot depends on the crowd at the start. With over 17,000 runners, it can be challenging for anyone to stay on pace in the first two miles. Rest assured, your Pace Group Leader will make up any time lost in those first few miles over the course of the race to get you to the finish line at the assigned pace. Sticking with your Pace Leader will ensure you still finish in your goal time.

Will my Pace Group stop at Water-Gatorade stations?

The Pace Leaders will slow down at the Water-Gatorade stations to make sure everyone remains properly hydrated.