Registration Transfer Has Opened


Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run & 5K Walk/Run

Sign up to Volunteer

Volunteer Signup

Thank you so much for agreeing to volunteer – we greatly appreciate it!


We will be needing general volunteers for the Expo on Friday, April 4 and Saturday, April 5; the Kids Run on Saturday, April 5; the 5K on Saturday, April 5; and the 10 Mile on Sunday, April 6, as well as some volunteers for specialized jobs.

Volunteer Job Descriptions

Want to learn more about what to expect for available volunteer positions? Click the link below.


Signup Now


To volunteer, click the button below to access the signup form. Some notes about the process:

  • Groups who have a password can enter it at the top of the form. If a group needs a password they should email Payal Thomas, our Groups Coordinator, at:
  • To select the job you want, click on the day that you want to volunteer, then put a checkmark next to the position you would like to fill (the number of people still needed for each position appears to the right). Then fill out the rest of the form and click Sign Up to Volunteer at the bottom.
  • Medical volunteers will be expected to upload a copy of their license.

Volunteer Groups

If you are a member of a large group of any type wishing to volunteer as a team, please contact Payal Thomas, our Groups Coordinator, at:

Sponsoring Credit Unions

If you are a member of a sponsoring credit union, please contact Leigh Philibosian, our Credit Union liaison, at

Need more information? Contact Nita Roncone, our Volunteer Coordinator, at:


Thanks Again!