CHC Packet Pickup
Capitol Hill Competition Packet Pick-up
Credit Union Cherry Blossom Capitol Hill packet pickup will take place on Thursday, April 4 in the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, Rooms SVC 210 – 212.
Packet Pickup at the Capitol Visitor Center
Schedule for Thursday, April 4:
- 10:00 am Doors open to Check Presentation ceremony
- 10:15 am Check Presentation ceremony
- 11:30am CHC Packet Pickup opens
- 2:00 pm CHC Packet Pickup closes
At the Capitol Hill Packet Pickup, we will have one male and one female from our elite athlete field to provide inspiration and last minute tips for running either the 10 Mile or the 5K.
Packet Pickup at the National Building Museum
If you are unable to pick up your packet on Thursday, April 4, you will need to go to the general packet pickup at the Health and Fitness Expo at the National Building Museum on Friday, April 5 or Saturday, April 6. There is no race-day packet pickup for the 10 Mile on Sunday, April 7.
IMPORTANT: There has been a change to the location of the Capitol Hill Packet Pickup at the National Building Museum: The pickup will no longer be in a tent outside the National Building Museum – packet pickup will now be INSIDE the NBM.
To reach the new location of Capitol Hill Packet Pickup, please follow these instructions:
- Be sure to go into the G Street entrance (follow the signage around the building if you are getting off the Metro at Judiciary Square to the other side of the National Building Museum). You will be entering the G Street entrance with those who are picking up for the 5K, Kids Run, and Double Blossom, so just look for signs for those pickups if you don’t see a Capitol Hill Pickup sign. The F Street entrance to the NBM is only for Non-Capitol Hill 10 Mile entrants so do NOT go in that door.
- Once inside, follow the signage around almost to the 5K Packet pickup. You will walk partway around the inside perimeter of the building until you reach Room 135, which is the room where Capitol Hill Pickup is taking place.
- Room 135 is the room right before the room where 5K Packet pickup is being held. Don’t worry, we will have signage and volunteers to help you find your way. Just know you want to end up next to the 5K Packet pickup room.
- Once you have retrieved your packet, you are welcome to continue into the main part of the Expo to check out all the vendors and exhibitors.
Important Notes:
- Double Blossom Runners: If you pick up your packet at the US Capitol Visitor Center on Thursday, April 4, or at the National Building Museum on Friday, April 5, you will be able to pick up your Double Blossom bib (you will wear the same bib for both races) and all your t-shirts at the same time. If you wait and pick up your packet at the 5K staging area on Freedom Plaza on Saturday, April 6, you will only be able to pick up your Double Blossom bib and your 5K tshirt – you will have to go to the Health & Fitness Expo after the 5K on Saturday to pick up your 10 Mile and Double Blossom t-shirts. Click Here for full details on the packet pickup at the Expo and at the 5K staging area on Freedom Plaza.
- 5K Runners: there will be Race-Day Packet Pick-up at Freedom Plaza from 7:00 am – 8:45 am on Saturday, April 6.
- 10 Mile Runners: Remember, there is NO Race-Day Packet Pickup for the 10 Mile on Sunday morning on the Washington Monument Grounds!
Picking Up Someone Else’s Packet
You may have someone else pick-up your bib number on Thursday at the Capitol Visitor Center or on Friday or Saturday at the Health and Fitness Expo at the National Building Museum. The person getting your number will need a note from you (a copy of an email is fine), ID for himself or herself, and will be required to provide his or her email address and sign a statement that the number will be used only by you. If the number is transferred, you will be denied entry into future editions of the race. We regret being heavy-handed here, but unauthorized bib transfers represent a real scoring and security issue for us. PLEASE DO NOT send the note authorizing someone to pick up your packet to us at the Credit Union Cherry Blossom. The person picking up your packet should bring the note (a printout of an email is fine) with them to the Expo!