Entry Transfers
Entry Transfer Procedures
The Entry Transfer Process Opens on February 1, 2024 and Will Close at 11:59 PM on February 29, 2024.
The organizing committee of the Credit Union Cherry Blossom allows accepted runners who cannot participate in either the 10 Mile, the 5K or the Double Blossom to transfer their entry to runners who did not get accepted into the same event. The transfer period opens on February 1, 2024, and closes at 11:59 P.M. on February 29, 2024. Please note that all transfers must be completed by that time. Transfers that are “in process” when the deadline is reached cannot be guaranteed. No transfers will be allowed after the close of the transfer period, and there are no refunds or deferrals. We need to close the transfer process at 11:59 PM on February 29 in order to give us time to get the entry numbers assigned and make corrections to the database.
First let’s start with some definitions:
- Entry Transferor: A registered individual seeking to transfer his or her entry. Click Here for the ENTRY TRANSFEROR PROCESS
- Entry Transferee: An individual receiving a transferred entry. Click Here for the TRANSFEREE PROCESS
- Who Can Transfer: Transfers from entrants in the 10 mile must go to prospective entrants in the 10 mile, transfers from 5K entrants must go to prospective 5K entrants, and transfers from Double Blossom 10 Mile entrants must go to prospective Double Blossom entrants.
- A Special Note About Double Blossom Transfers: Double Blossom entries must be conveyed as entries into both races; transferors may not transfer the 10 Mile and 5K race entries individually. Double Blossom entries must convey for no more than $129 (plus the cost of any ancillary items purchased at the time of entry). The $129 fee includes an ASICS Double Blossom upgrade t-shirt, a cotton 10 Mile t-shirt, a cotton 5K t-shirt and a Double Blossom finisher medal (claimed at the finish line of the 10 Mile). If the transferor upgraded one or both of the cotton t-shirts for the 5K or the 10 Mile and/or ordered an additional medal or medals, the transferor my charge the transferee for any ancillary items purchased. Of course, the transferee of a Double Blossom entry may choose to participate in only one of the two races, but they must pay the transferor the Double Blossom entry fee regardless of which races they choose to run.
- Fee: There is a $15 transfer fee, payable by the transferee, for each transfer.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The following extra items – upgrade t-shirts, medals, photo packages and packet mail-outs – transfer to the transferee, so be sure to look for a transfer offer that matches the additional items you would like to receive. (You will be able to specify a new t-shirt size.) Children’s Miracle Network donations do not transfer to the new participant, but the new participant may choose to make their own donation during the transfer process. Carbon offset purchases do not transfer. The prices that can be charged for transferred items appear below. If the transferor did not purchase one or more of these additional items and the transferee would like to purchase them, the transferee will be offered the opportunity to do so during the registration process or by going to https://secure5.marathonguide.com/register/cherryblossom10mile2024/purchaseitems.cfm.
Next, let’s review the transfer process from the perspective of the Entry Transferor and the Entry Transferee.
FOR ENTRY TRANSFERORS (individuals giving up their entries)
1. Identifying a person to whom the entry will be transferred.
If you already know to whom you wish to transfer your entry: You may proceed directly to the transfer form. To complete the form, you will need the following information:
- Your last name, date of birth and zip code as entered on your entry form.
- Either the last four digits of the credit card used to register OR your invoice/customer number located on your email confirmation.
- The name and email address of the transferee
Successfully entering the information above will take you to the actual transfer form where you will provide the first name, last name and email of the transferee. Please read carefully and confirm the required terms governing the transfer.
If you do not know to whom you wish to transfer your entry: You can post the availability of your 5K,10 Mile, or Double Blossom entry (along with any ancillary purchases) on our transfer bulletin board. You will likely be very popular, as the number of individuals seeking entries usually exceeds the number of people offering entries. You can select anyone who has made a posting about seeking an entry on the bulletin board.
2. Payment: Once you establish contact with the transferee by either method outlined above and let him or her know of his or her good fortune, you will need to make arrangements privately for the transferee to reimburse your entry fee as well as for any additional items you purchased — upgrade t-shirt, medal, and/or packet mail out. Race rules prohibit charging a premium over what you paid for these items. Violators of this policy will be banned from the race for two years.
Here are the prices you may charge the transferee for any items ordered:
- 10 Mile entry: $57.00
- 5K entry: $47.00
- Double Blossom entry: $129.00
- 10 Mile or 5K ASICS performance upgrade shirt: $20.00***
- 10 Mile or 5K Finisher’s Medal: $15.00
- 10 Mile or 5K Enhanced Finisher’s Medal with place and time engraved: $23.00
- Double Blossom Enhanced Finisher’s Medal with place and time engraved: $8.00
- Finisher Pix 5K Photo Package: $14.99
- Finisher Pix 5K Photo/Video Package: $19.99
- Finisher Pix 10 Mile Photo Package: $19.99
- Finisher Pix 10 Mile Photo/Video Package: $24.99
- Packet Mail Out: $80.00
*** Note about the ASICS performance upgrade shirts: The transferee will be able to specify a new t-shirt size for any t-shirt that transfers from the transferor. Double Blossom entries come with an ASICS Double Blossom performance upgrade shirt, a 5K and 10 Mile standard cotton shirt, and a Double Blossom medal (picked up after the 10 Mile) included, so there is no additional charge for those items.
3. Submit the transfer form: After submitting the transfer form, please notify the transferee it has been sent. The transferee will be sent an Entry Code and must complete the transfer within 72 hours of receiving the code. The codes expire 72 hours after being sent. This is critical.
4. Confirmation of transfer: Shortly after submitting the form you will receive an email from “RegistrationHelp@MarathonGuide.com” with the subject line “Transfer Credit Union Cherry Blossom Registration – Request Received,” which will recap the specifics of the transfer. Remember, if the code is not used by the transferee within 72 hours you will have to repeat the process to generate a new code.
5. Confirmation of completion of transfer: You will be notified when the transferee has used the code to enter the race. Please note that if a transfer is not completed within 72 hours, the request will be canceled and you will need to resubmit your request.
FOR ENTRY TRANSFEREES (individuals receiving entries)
1. If you do not already have an entry transferor who has agreed to transfer his or her entry to you, make your case about why you would like to run the Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile, 5K or Double Blossom on the bulletin board. Be creative and make your story stand out from the rest. [Note: If you have been pre-selected by the entry transferor as the transferee, you do not have to post on the bulletin board.]
2. Selection and Payment: Once you have been identified by the transferor as the recipient of his or her registration, you will need to make arrangements privately for reimbursement of the entry fee and fees for any additional items like medals, upgrade, or packet mailout that the entry transferor paid when they registered. Race rules prohibit paying a premium over what the transferor paid for the entry fee and any additional items. Transferors and transferees who violate this policy will be banned from the race for two years. Once satisfied that the terms of the transfer have been fulfilled, the transferor will complete the transfer.
Here are the prices you may be charged by the entry transferor for any additional items ordered:
- 10 Mile entry: $57.00
- 5K entry: $47.00
- Double Blossom entry: $129.00
- ASICS 10 Mile or 5K performance upgrade shirt: $20.00*
- ASICS 10 Mile or 5K Finisher’s Medal: $15.00*
- Enhanced 10 Mile or 5K Finisher’s Medal with place and time engraved: $23.00
- Enhanced Double Blossom Finisher’s Medal with place and time engraved: $8.00
- Finisher Pix 5K Photo Package: $14.99
- Finisher Pix 5K Photo/Video Package: $19.99
- Finisher Pix 10 Mile Photo Package: $19.99
- Finisher Pix 10 Mile Photo/Video Package: $24.99
- Packet Mail Out: $80.00
*Note: The transferee will be able to specify a new t-shirt size for any t-shirt that transfers from the transferor. If you are purchasing a Double Blossom entry, the price of the ASICS Double Blossom performance upgrade shirt and the Double Blossom finisher medal (picked up after the 10 Mile) are included in the entry fee – there are no additional $20 fees for the Double Blossom upgrade shirt or medal.
3. Transfer Email: Once the transferor completes the transfer, you will receive an email from “RegistrationHelp@MarathonGuide.com” with the subject line “Transfer Credit Union Cherry Blossom Registration.” You will find the transfer link contained in this email. The code is contained directly within the transfer link. The code must be used within 72 hours of the transferor sending it, so you should enter the race quickly by clicking “Accept Transfer” on the form.
4. Complete the entry form. You will have the opportunity to purchase additional items, such as upgrade shirts, medals, packet mail outs or make a contribution to the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals before completing your registration. However, if the entry transferor purchased any of these items, they will not be available for purchase on the form, as those items will be conveyed to you automatically as part of the transfer of registration. You will be able to specify a new t-shirt size for any t-shirt that transfers from the transferor.
Once registered, your credit card will be charged the $15.00 transfer fee (plus a service charge) and the cost of any additional items purchased.
5. Confirmation of entry: You will receive a confirmation of your entry.
Congratulations, we’ll see you at the starting line.
Please note that the process is designed to maintain the privacy of both parties.
Remember that the transfer period runs from February 1 until February 29 at 11:59 P.M.